
Met ms,jan and ben at yishun funland.
wakao NEARLY completed TC4!!! grr.damn cheap la,1buck 1credit,timezone 2 buck 1 credit.
i tink ill play back initial D again.or maximum tune lah.see what they wana play =D.
then played lan.Hero siege FUN! tmd the hero i choose so lousy.zzz.
at nite went to jan hse to ton.
played rakion,gunz,then watch house of 1000corpse.
super hilarious la,more like a twisted comedy then horror.
the people are sick,they chop of the victim's hands and rub it on their cheek=.=.sicko.

watched death note(anime).
jan slept.den ben,den me.
ming sheng truly zombie,dint sleep whole nite.
tmd tel him wake me up ate 4am,he jus kept playin.


woke up at 8,then mingsheng nearly KO XD.
MY turn to play LA!
went to lan again after breakfast(wait was there breakfast?)
HERO SIEGE!! then mel came.adriel oso joined us.
this tim im the top fragger =D.
completed TC4!!! ms u NOOB.

went back jan hse.
jan cooked CHICKEN.
he cut the onion,then duno wad sai he did,steamed the whole chicken,then fry it.
although i duno hw he did it,the chicken quite tasty luh.
4 ppl eat 1 chicken.cant even finish lol.
watched a car joke.SUPER FUNNY LAH!!!
sent it to chingy,she was shocked that it was so funny.
sent it to vivien,somehw her com sucks,cant receive.
sent to xinen,she saw before,sian=.=.
adr ms jan n i was laughing our ass off and kept watching again.
anyone wan the car joke?tell me in msn,ill send to you XD.
then leo mum cal me,tell me go home imediately.
realized tat my mum came.shit im so gona get it.

reached home,talk abit to my mum,then she went off.
lionel super dulan,say wad i nv giv him pass to my labtop.
aiya wadeva la,its mine.and i wld have given him,but:
1.My bat was FLAAATTTT
2.He ccan ask me before i went jan hse,rite?


lessons.go sian.
chi was boring.
physics was free period.
amaths...well adr me n mel pon amaths.
mr toh gave up on me anyway.
then we went jan hse again.
hero siege!!!

after tat went home.
lionel's still angry with me.
how dumb,oh well 10 mths later he might cool down.

someone doesnt think shes chio,haha.
im praising her and shes discouraging herself=.=
learnt a two new words today !
EMO! yaya i noob i noob-.-
and "jitao"! (whats that?)

looking at what you wrote and said,i "jitao" slap you XD


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